What is the Lysaght Build Up Fund?
The Lysaght Build Up Fund offers those impacted by natural disaster, or unforeseen events and circumstances, the opportunity to receive assistance through a one time supply of LYSAGHT® building products.
How do I apply for assistance?
To apply for assistance from the Lysaght Build Up Fund, applicants must access the Lysaght Build Up Fund webpage.
Who is eligible to apply for assistance?
Applications will only be accepted from residents of Australia aged 18 years or older who apply for support for an initiative or project which will benefit the community.
For all eligibility criteria, please review the Terms and Conditions.
Who will assess my application?
All eligible applications will be judged by a panel of appropriately qualified assessors nominated by BlueScope Steel Limited T/A Lysaght.
What type of support will I receive?
Assistance may include a one time supply of LYSAGHT® building products, or a one time supply of LYSAGHT® building products at a discounted rate.
For full terms and conditions of the support available, please review the Terms and Conditions.
How long will it take to process my application?
All applications will be assessed within a timeframe determined by Lysaght.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing by email.
Lysaght decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Please contact marketing@lysaght.com should you have any questions about the Lysaght Build Up Fund.
How will my personal information be used?
Lysaght will collect Personal Information about an Applicant to assess the Applicant’s Application for support from the Lysaght Build Up Fund and award assistance. If Personal Information is requested but not provided, the applicant cannot participate in the Fund and I therefore s deemed ineligible for assistance.
For more information on privacy, please visit the full terms and conditions and view the Lysaght Privacy policy.